Greengoat – Interview about "The Seed"
"The Physical Format still has that Magic"

Greengoat are a psychedelic/stoner duo from Madrid whose music I recently discovered. Their sound reminds me a lot of the "good old times", but it is also quite futuristic. When I added their latest song, "The Seed", to my July playlist, Ruth and Ivan contacted me, and I asked them for an interview. Voilà: Here we go!
Anne: Hi! Thanks so much for taking the time! How are you guys doing today?
Greengoat: Hi Anne, we are doing great. Thank you so much for inviting us to this interview.
Anne: Congrats on your newest song, "The Seed". I love it! You must be pretty satisfied with your work.
Greengoat: Thanks! We are delighted with the acceptance "The Seed" is receiving and very happy with the feeling we gave it.
Anne: The lyrics of the song are pretty dark. What inspired you to write them down?
"Our album will be about A.I."
Greengoat: Yes, it is quite dark tho, hehe. The entire album will be about A.I. and human's relationship with it. I wanted to represent how I imagine an A.I. could feel when it takes consciousness for the first time. I wanted it to be scary—like a newborn but with less time to adapt.
Anne: Ruth, I love your rhythm work! It's the perfect foundation for your music, and I definitely want to hear more! I'm sure you always wanted to be a drummer. Did you?
Ruth: Thank you! Actually, no. I started as a bass player, but then I discovered percussion and fell absolutely in love with it. Drums can change a song's feelings entirely and are so much fun!
Anne: You've just confirmed the rumour you're planning to release an album by the end of this year. Do you already know the exact date?
Greengoat: Yes! We planned it for late 2023 or the beginning of 2024, and we are so looking forward to it! We are giving it the finishing touches, and we share the feeling each song has a piece of our soul in it.
Anne: You started as a four-piece. Now that you're working as a duo: Did your way of working change?
Greengoat: Totally. Being only two is a challenge, but we created a system that enables us to make all the big noise we want when we play, and it works perfectly for us!
Anne: I like the way you're playing with hints about many different genres like stoner, prog, and doom. I can pretty much identify with your style because I'm into so many genres. I never felt like choosing one. Do you think so too?
"We don't care about genres"
Greengoat: Actually, we don't think about a style when we create the music, haha. We have our influences, and they are quite wide as yours. But it is more about telling a story or portraying a feeling, and it's like the songs just flow like that.
Anne: Like me, you grew up in times of change when it comes to musical recordings or sound carriers in general. I think the central part of our generation is very much into MP3s because they're easy to carry (obviously), and you can listen to every song in the universe in just the glimpse of an eye. Are you alright with that, or would you rather say it's better to consume music in a less convenient way? I mean, I love a great vinyl with all the artwork, lyrics and stuff.
Greengoat: Well, we think everything has its space today. It is true that with digital, it can be a lot easier to make music get a lot further, but the physical format still has that "magic" that makes the music feel somehow closer to the listener.
Anne: If there was one thing in the world you could choose to change entirely: What would it be and why?
"Humans should be more empathic"
Greengoat: Consciousness. I think if we could feel each other more and be more empathic, all would change.
Anne: Besides the upcoming release: What are your plans for the nearer future?
Greengoat: Firstly, to play as much as we can! We are so looking forward to playing outside of Spain, hehe. Playing live is one of the best parts of it. And keep creating music because we still have a lot to portray.
Anne: Thanks very much for this inspiring interview!
Greengoat: Thank you so much for giving us your time. It was an absolute pleasure!