Dimwind - "Slow Wave Violence"

Post-Metal without borders


Review von Anne
22.05.2021 — Lesezeit: 3 min

Deutsche Version lesen

Dimwind - "Slow Wave Violence"
Bild/Picture: © Dimwind

Dimwind have recently released their debut album "Slow Wave Violence". The music of the Gothenburg based post-metal duo is definitely worth listening to – seven great songs are waiting to get under your skin.

Guitarist Andreas Hansen and drummer Jonas Eriksson self-released their record. They already formed two years ago. To be more precise: in January 2019.

The opener "Blinds Drawn" is sonically first class and comes up with a well-balanced mix of lightness and gloom.

Dimwind are pushing boundaries

Dimwind – "Slow Wave Violence"Dimwind – "Slow Wave Violence"

The second track, "4 AM", begins with an easy-going surprise. Some would perhaps expect a pop-like song progression at first, but after about one minute or so, it becomes clear that the opposite is the case. The song is incredibly well composed and rhythmically sophisticated. I love the spontaneous changes.

Andreas and Jonas have been making music together in various constellations since the late 1990s. They are a good team in which one can rely on the other, and you can hear that – this brings me to the third song on the record. "Slow Wave Deceit" is a post-rock anthem if there is a thing like this. It starts off with spoken lyrics that are alternated by distorted guitar playing, which then dissolves into a sound bath of the senses.

What a drive! At times, the piece is quite hard and driven by its heavy baseline, then again winged and playful. There may be influences from the Deftones corner as well as from the Cult of Luna niche. Do I hear hidden keyboard sounds? How wonderful! After a short relaxation break at minute 4:50, there's more power. The final chord comes after 7:57, and I just keep on flying.

Dimwind speak a melancholic language

With their duo project, the Swedes pursue a cross-genre approach, and they do it quite brilliantly. They are blurring the boundaries between post-rock and all adjacent music genres, doing what they love – with a lot of heart, soul, and positive energy.

"False Awakening", for example, is so melodic and diverse, it's hard to put the piece into a category. But why does everything always have to be neat and tidy in its place? There are metal elements and even a touch of rock. But I am also quite sure they must have listened to some God Is An Astronaut songs when writing the piece.

The fifth song is called "Håglös". If you know that it means "hopeless", you can imagine what the song could be about. Dimwind have packed so much pain into it – so much despair and loneliness. Its atmospheric opening gives you a hint of it, but the second the cover of clouds lifts, the weather breaks down over my head. – I am taking a walk on a deserted beach. The ice-cold wind is my only companion.

"Slow Wave Violence" is unique

Dimwind go beyond the scope once again. The catchy harmonies provide beautiful film music quotes. The song is followed by "Pelagic Vim", which provides the rough post-metal contrast to its predecessor. Andreas and Jonas are also speaking a thoroughly melancholic language here – but this time in a completely different way – exciting!

Summary: "Slow Wave Violence" is definitely unique. Dimwind show that they can keep up with bands like Pelican, Russian Circles and LDC. I would be happy to see them live on stage someday soon.

Finally, it comes to some thick metal again. The duo plays with disharmony and sets the night to light with bursting sparkles. The last song, "Broken Silver Chord", is a worthy conclusion to a valuable musical treasure that will hopefully grow bigger soon. I am already very excited about what's up next for Dimwind.

Dimwind – "False Awakening"

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