"My Ideas Come From Within"

Arvensis is an experimental ambient project on the Merigold Independent label. Its avant-garde sounding tones seem to come from a foreign world. Because the project fascinates me so much, I arranged an interview with founder Dani Laubscher.
Dani founded Arvensis in 2011 and has been recording records since 2013. Their discography now includes 14 albums. The 14th is called "AXIS" and was released just a few days ago.
Anne: Hi, Dani! Thank you for your time! How are you doing? How was the release of your new album "AXIS"? It is really awesome, by the way!
"I released my new album on October, 9th"
Dani: Hello, Anne! Definitely! I am well. Good so far; it's officially out on October 9th, so I'm very excited about it. Thank you very much!
Anne: Your sound is very versatile and varied. The combination of percussion and haunting and alternating soundscapes really fascinates me. How are you getting your ideas? What drives you?
Dani: Most of my ideas come from within. Usually, I just create and find drive almost solely through my emotions; it's primarily the driving force behind Arvensis.
Anne: "AXIS" consists of 18 Tracks – How long did it take you to record and mix them?
"The album is quite lengthy"
Dani: I think roughly a year or so! It's quite a lengthy album.
Anne: You said to me that "AXIS" is your darkest album so far. What has led to this outcome of your work?
Dani: Yes, I suppose potentially darker than my Downwards album as well. I believe it's a variety of factors and a lot to do with perceptions of the world and inner feelings. After being in many dark places without intention in life and having quite a mixed outlook on things, I generally try to remain positive. That has, in turn, helped with the darkness and outcome of the album.
Anne: Did you collaborate with other musicians when you recorded "AXIS"?
"I worked together with wonderful artists"
Dani: Yes! Two friends of mine who are outstanding artists I had the pleasure of featuring them. The first being Murice White of the band Pyre: he is featured on Stasis and Wuther. Pyre has quite the noise, and he had been a positive influence in the makings of my work as well. The other is Chris Hunt, who I deeply respect as an artist. He is featured in my song At-To-Start and brings quite the electronic punch along with my sound!
Anne: Are there any artists that you want to mention in particular that influenced your work and music style?
Dani: The only one I can think of would be my brother! Not so much stylistically, but more so, his overall works. I definitely look up to him.
Anne: Did you always want to make avant-garde electronic music?
"My music came to me naturally"
Dani: It was no set goal of mine honestly, it just came entirely natural and tended to occur no matter the music I was making. Sometimes I would make something and think maybe this deserves a separate side-project, but in the end, I always choose to release under Arvensis.
Anne: In your band portrait, you've mentioned the song "Witchcraft" in particular. You wrote that the track is your interpretation of a defining sound of the art of witchcraft. What connects you with witchcraft?
Dani: After going through what I believe to be struggling under a hex, I sought out other means of witchcraft and found myself sometimes performing rituals or creating sigils and similar things. This experience influenced some of my track titles, such as "Curse" or "Keep Them Out," as well as "Constant Poison" and maybe others.
Anne: You are originally from Atlanta, Georgia, which seems to be a very creative city. Do you enjoy living there? Did you grow up there?
"Atlanta is pretty creative"
Dani: I am! I was born in Dunwoody, which is right near Atlanta, and I also lived in the outskirts of Atlanta my whole life. I enjoy it here, there are so many musically inclined musicians, and minus the quarantine, there is always shows to go to or typically things to do!
Anne: How would you describe your music?
Dani: Generally, I call it experimental electronics to keep it simple when it comes to genres! Not this album, but often I include real percussions as well as vocals, etc. But overall, I always like to say my music is just very emotionally driven.
Anne: What's up next for Arvensis?
"I am already working on the next album"
Dani: I am in the process of another album, which I have eight tracks done thus far. I look forward to releasing this in the future as well!
Anne: Thank you very much for this interview! I wish you all the best and much success with the new album!
Dani: Thank you so much, Anne!