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    Besra – "Equilibrium"

    New EP by Finnish Post-Metal Band

    Preview von Anne
    17.10.2024 — Lesezeit: 3 min
    Deutsche Version lesen
    Besra – "Equilibrium"
    Bild/Picture: © Besra

    Besra's new EP, "Equilibrium", set to release on November 1, 2024, ventures a pleasant step into darker, heavier waters. Compared to their 2023 album "Transitions", which took nearly five years to ripen, the Finnish band completed "Equilibrium" in a record-breaking timeframe of just five months.

    Nevertheless, the new EP, for now, feels more like an experiment than a major turning point in Besra's artistic evolution. During my interview with Hannes and Ville about "Transitions" in September 2023, they shared insights about their extended creative processes, where they analysed every detail meticulously analysed before making it a part of a song. In a crass contrast to this, with their creation of "Equilibrium", they followed a much more immediate and instinctive approach.

    The four new tracks on the EP reflect this strategy: They sound direct, clear, and full of depth and darkness. The band deliberately imposed a sense of time pressure while working on the songs. As Johannes (Hannes) Nygård explained:

    "We compressed our creative process into five months. We still had some material left over from the last record that we hadn't released, but we felt that new ideas were bubbling up inside of us. So, we reopened those old drafts and composed new material alongside them."

    New directness and intensity

    Besra – "Equilibrium"
    Besra – "Equilibrium"

    With these changes to their writing routine, the band succeeded in bringing their darker side to the forefront, which, according to Hannes, is very present right now:

    "The tight production schedule caused some anxiety, but it also brought a new kind of creativity and unity; we had to trust our intuition and each other's ideas more than ever. In the end, the EP was completed in five months instead of five years, which is probably some kind of record for us. A certain straightforwardness can also be heard in the sound—this material is likely less progressive but all the more intense and darker."

    The emotional aspect of the music doesn't fall short either. I think it's quite the opposite. When listening to the songs, you can almost sense the emotions the band members experienced while writing them. By stripping away the progressive elements, these emotions seem even clearer and more vivid.

    For those worried the band's soundscapes we love so dearly might be missing on the record: Don't Worry. Besra still takes us on a journey into their world, weaving a story through their music, note by note, phase by phase, and song by song. Though this place might be darker than it was during the "Transitions" phase and earlier eras, there are still echoes of those times, especially considering that fragments of these songs nearly made it onto that milestone album.

    Besra & Magnus Lindberg

    Magnus Lindberg, known for his work with bands like Cult of Luna, EF (interview here), and Russian Circles, produced and mixed "Equilibrium". As an expert, you might recognise his signature style in various parts of the record. Its clear sound, directness, and stark contrasts speak for themselves.

    Their tight schedule pushed Besra beyond their limits, and according to Hannes, they functioned more as a unit than ever before. It's no surprise that the record sounds so cohesive. While the tracks are shorter than what we're used to from this band, they are incredibly straightforward and intense—almost hypnotic. Imagining the shift from the prog realm to a more open and heavier direction brings several images to mind. The clearest one is that of a raven living in a vast library who has spent decades absorbing all the knowledge within. Now, he shakes the dust from his feathers, embarking on a flight. How long this flight will last and whether the raven will return to his chambers remains to be seen.

    Conclusion: A Must-Listen!

    With "Equilibrium", Besra delivers an intense and direct piece of work. They've shed their flowery, prog side to create space for dark clarity and raw openness. In my opinion, this creative experiment is a success—"Equilibrium" is a must-have in any post-music vinyl collection.

    Track list "Equilibrium"

    1. An Omen of...
    2. The Final Hour
    3. Equilibrium 05:13
    4. End of the Horizon

    Besra – "Equilibrium"

    Besra – "Equilibrium" (Title Song)

    © 2024 · · Anne Reis