"Mot, the Valuator, Incredible God"
New EP By Ox en Mayo Alto

The mathcore/post-rock band Ox en Mayo Alto just released a new EP! "Mot, the Valuator, Incredible God" is no less spectacular than its predecessor "Los famosos días de la fiebre" and it also tells a big story.
The band still acts as "artists unknown", hiding their faces behind masks like they did with their first record. However, the mystery surrounding the individuals behind the instruments makes the musical experience a really special one – Who could be the ones hiding behind the fantasy avatars?
Five songs from another world
The five songs on the current record are called "Bläterfall", "Sa voix, virtus dormitiva", "Sideneo 4 y los Pilares del Alba", "De Civitate Dei" and "La Ilamada". You can already consume them on Spotify or, even better: on video.
The first audiovisual EP by Ox en Mayo Alto was already an experience – the second one is also a real treat. When looking at the pictures, you get the feeling of following a wonderful fairy tale, just like with "Los famosos días de la fiebre" – this time it is about the arrival of a great fish god on earth.
The arrival of the fish god
With their perfect interplay of images and sound, the musicians from Argentinia are proving their limitless-seaming creativity once again. Camila Kutscher directed the video – everyone else involved in the project remains anonymous.
The first chapter follows a short mystical prelude. "Sa voix, virtus dormitiva" is a remarkable post-rock piece – including spoken lyrics and a guitar wall.
Subtle and hard
The second chapter, "La Ilamada", begins quite subtle. Whispered lines announce the appearance of the fish god. A deer scurries through a forest. The images are powerful and fragile at the same time. They seem to come from another time and, together with the vibrant music, form a colourful and thoughtful synthesis of the two arts.
We see the earth from above, the animals living on it, and the threatening destruction of this beautiful world by us humans. It hovers over everything like Damocles's sword. Even if it is not spoken out – yet it resonates in every note.
The story of the earth
The sky darkens. A portal opens up and releases the universe. "Bläterfall" shows the emergence of new life under the microscope. The sound to these pictures is more than just an accompaniment. Another vocal highlight follows sequences that seem almost light and airy. It is a beautiful moment that briefly hints at the power and hardness behind it, only to float gently away again. It almost seems like one of the great voices of soul music transferred to instruments – if they would've used their full potential, overwhelming feelings and goosebumps would probably blow our minds away.
Even if they don't exploit their available power to the fullest, Ox en Mayo Alto don't seem weary at all – not the slightest bit. Whoever is behind these masks knows how post-rock works and how instruments need to be played.
Precision and musical variety
The next song is my favourite act of the opera: "De Civitate Dei". A small volcanic island in the ocean, embedded in pink and purple light. The sound becomes more sombre. It tells the entire history of humankind – or is it the story of a world in which we never existed?
"Sideneo 4 y los Pilares del Alba" brings all the narrative threads together precisely with a good dose of math-rock power – I'm particularly impressed by the drums here.
The short songs are rather untypical for this genre – With its 2:36, "Sa voix, virtus dormitiva" is the longest on the EP:
I have the feeling that something even more extensive might be coming soon. "Mot, the Valuator, Incredible God" feels like a very exciting teaser – the portal into a marvellous fantasy world that will hopefully open again soon. Until then, we should listen to "Mot, the Valuator, Incredible God" and its predecessor "Los famosos días de la fiebre" constantly to dream ourselves behind the curtain whenever we feel like it.
By the way: On the streaming platforms, the order of songs is slightly different from in the video. If you listen closely, you'll notice that they create an entirely different overall picture without the visuals – the pieces of the puzzle fit in perfectly in different places harmonising with the rest of the artwork.