
Thot are joining Pelagic with new Album


Preview von Anne
08.03.2024 — Lesezeit: 1 min

Deutsche Version lesen

Bild/Picture: © Thot

"Delta" unlocks the next level for the Belgian post-music band Thot. It will be released on 10th March on the Berlin cult label Pelagic! Being a fan since the early days, I have all the essential insights ready for you, and you have the change to listen to the first pre-released song today!

Thot founder Grégoire has euphoric words for the connection to Pelagic:

"A community of strong and creative minds. This is how I perceive Pelagic Records. More than just another record label. There's this remarkable aesthetic of each release. There's the brilliant idea of vinyl subscription. I listen to a lot of bands from their roster and I know some of them personally. I love the latest releases from BEAR, Sâver, Spurs, BRIQUEVILLE, Jayle Jayle—among many others. This is why having the opportunity to contribute to this unique community is something thriving for me and my bandmates."

The band thanks Robin Staps and the Pelagic team for their trust and all their supporters for their years of support.

There are a total of ten tracks on "Delta". The record is strongly reminiscent of the early days of Thot—highly creative, industrial-inspired and multi-layered. The collaboration with Pelagic suits Grégoire & Co. very well—it gilds the record and makes it probably the most significant of their career to date.

You can listen to the first preview track, "Supercluster", today. It's wonderfully dark, playful and even a little punky:

Thot – "Supercluster"

Please note: Don't miss my interview with Thot founder Grégoire.

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